
micro:bit worldtour

Marja micro:bit

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Avatar for Paul Egan

Paul Egan London, UK

Sunday, 7th February 2015

We spent a few hours working on a game I started on at the London Python Dojo last year. It's a simple 2-player pong-like game that's surprisingly fun to play.

Besides playing around for our own entertainment, we did manage to make one tiny contribution to micropython that I hope is useful to others:

CTRL-E        -- enter paste mode, turning off auto-indent

Avatar for Paul Egan

Paul Egan London, UK

Saturday, 6th February 2015

The plan was to spend the week playing with the microbit and see how my 8-year old son got on with the it and micropython. Unfortunately we didn't manage to get as much time as we had hoped and in the end only spent a few hours on the weekend working on it. Despite the lack of time we did get a few positive results and it was good fun for both of us.

The first project we attempted was to see if we could combine the accelerometer with the sound output to get a lightsaber effect. With the limitation of the square wave sounds we can make, we didn't get much further than adjusting the pitch based on accelerometer value.

                      p = abs(accelerometer.get_z())
                      pitch(p, wait=False)

TODO: Investigate the music module in more depth and see if sound files from the web can be adapted.

A picture of Peter

Peter Cunderlik Cambridge, UK.

Saturday, 23th January 2016

Gambling, fire, painting, drumming and lawn mowing.

Read More: First Three Days With micro:bit, Last Three Days With micro:bit

A picture of Peter

Peter Cunderlik Cambridge, UK.

Wednesday, 20th January 2016

Marja arrived safely to Cambridge. Fun begins in 3.. 2.. 1..

A picture of Paivi

Päivi Suomela Sheffield, UK.

Monday, 18th January 2016

Finnish version

Lähetän Marjan eteenpäin Peter Cunderlikille Cambridgeen kohti uusia seikkailuja!

English version

I'm sending Marja to Peter Cunderlik in Cambridge. I'm looking forward to see her next adventures!

Lue lisää: Kiitos ja näkemiin!

Read More: Ok thanks bye

A picture of Paivi

Päivi Suomela Sheffield, UK.

Sunday, 17th January 2016

Finnish version

Tein Marjasta varashälyttimen, joka piipittää kovaan ääneen ja näyttää vihaiselta jos laitetta liikuttaa luvatta.

English version

I made Marja into a theft alarm that will beep loudly and look angry if you disturb it.

Lue lisää: Projekti 5 - Varashälytin

Read More: Project 5 - Theft Alarm

A picture of Paivi

Päivi Suomela Sheffield, UK.

Friday, 15th January 2016

Finnish version

Yhdistin Marjan vanhaan kaiuttimeen ja kokeilin musiikin soittamista ohjelmalla, joka vaihtaa kappaletta kun laitetta ravistaa.

English version

I hooked Marja up with an old speaker and tried out the music module by creating a music player that changes songs when shaken.

Lue lisää: Projekti 4 - Musiikkisoitin

Read More: Project 4 - Music Player

A picture of Paivi

Päivi Suomela Sheffield, UK.

Wednesday, 13th January 2016

Finnish version

Marja saapui sheffieldiin korvaamaan Mei-Xiun.

English version

Marja arrived in Sheffield to replace Mei-Xiu.

Lue lisää: Tervetuloa Marja

Miniblogi kokonaisuudessaan: BBC Micro:bit -viikko

Read More: Meet Marja

Full blog series: My Week with Micro:bit

A picture of Nicholas

Nicholas Tollervey Towcester, UK.

Tuesday, 12th January 2016

I posted Marja micro:bit to Päivi Suomela.